
Photo credit: UW Dairy Innovation Hub

Outreach publications

Ruppert, S., Coppess, J., and Skidmore, M.  "A menace to national welfare reconsidered."  farmdoc daily (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3Part 4, Part 5)

Skidmore, M, and Coppess, J.  "When it rains, it pours: Extreme precipitation and nutrient loss."  farmdoc daily (Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ).

Skidmore Nelson_brief_dairy_WQ_w_figures.pdf

Nelson Issue Brief (forthcoming)


Meridian Policy Brief (external link )

Popular press

Henkel, Erin M.  "When it rain, it pours: U of I evaluates phosphorus loss."  FarmWeek (Link).

Henkel, Erin M.  "When it rain, it pours: U of I assesses nutrient loss."  FarmWeek (Link).

Ana Mano.  "Brazil child cancer deaths linked to soy farming, study shows."  Reuters (Link).

Shi En Kim.  "Study links pesticides to child cancer deaths in Brazilian Amazon & Cerrado."  Mongabay (Link).

Clare Roth.  "Child cancer deaths in Brazil: Is soy farming to blame?"  Deutsche Welle (Link).  

Jonathan Lambert.  "Half of childhood leukemia deaths in Brazilian Amazon linked to soy production."  The Messenger (Link). 

Rafael Garcia.  "Pesticidas da soja mataram 123 crianças no interior em 11 anos, diz estudo."  O Globo (Link).  

Andréia Azevedo Soares.  "Metade das mortes de crianças por leucemia ligadas ao cultivo de soja na Amazónia e no Cerrado."  Público (Link).

Stein, Marianne.  "Soy expansion in Brazil linked to increase in childhood leukemia deaths."  Covered in Morning Ag Clips (Link).

Stein, Marianne.  "Local manure regulations can help reduce water pollution from dairy farms."  Covered in Agriview (Link),  The Anniston Star (Link), The Bryan Times (Link), The Cattle Site (Link ), and KMA Land (Link) .

Loreto, Marcelo Lima.  "Sob seca, gado na Amazônia não engorda e pecuarista antecipa venda para abate."  Folha de São Paulo, November 28, 2022.  (Link)

Vance, Andy (Host).  "What U.S. cattle producers can learn from Brazilian ranchers response to extreme weather."  In Feedstuffs in Focus, October 7th, 2022.  (Link ) 

Austin, Mike (Host). "Dairy Stream podcast explores costs, benefits of manure management regulation."  In Dairy Stream, October 25, 2020(Link)

Connaster, Grace.  "Dairy Innovation Hub researchers to study effects of manure management regulation in WI." Wisconsin State Farmer, October 13, 2020.   (Link)

Krauss, Clifford, David Yaffe-Bellany, and Mariana Simões. "Why Amazon Fires Keep Raging 10 Years After a Deal to End Them: Promises made." New York Times,  October 10 2019. (Contributed research, link)